How it All Began
Apostle Vandross believes in the power of prayer, and in the word of God which transforms the lives of His people. He uses the gifts God gave him to be a blessing to others. Those gifts brought glory and honor to God. Apostle would often open the doors to his home for bible study and prayer service, as well as travel to the homes of others to teach the Holy scriptures, and pray for the people of God. Many were saved, strengthened, healed, and delivered from satanic bondages. Those who came in contact with Apostle Vandross, and sat under his teaching have launched ministries for the upbuilding of the Kingdom of God.
In the mid to late 1990's, at the request of his spiritual mother Reverend Gertrude Williams, and spiritual sister, Melanie Williams, Apostle Vandross would travel to Georgia to minister to the saints of God through prayer. His first visit was at the home of Sister Tonya Mango, who opened her home for prayer. Everyone who attended was ministered to. Every other month, he would travel to Georgia for prayer and feet washing services. During a feet washing service sponsored by Minister Theresa Hill, Apostle Vandross met Pastor Pitts, and many others. The people prayed that Apostle Vandross would establish a ministry in Georgia.
Establishing WILO in Georgia
With this in view, the Lord commissioned Apostle Vandross to seek out expanding his borders to minister in the state of Georgia. In April 2014, Apostle Vandross, along with Elder Robert and Sis. Josette Pearson traveled to Douglasville, Georgia to meet with Sis. Melanie Williams and Corey Condrey (CoCo Brother) about the possibility of launching a ministry in the Georgia area. Apostle Vandross knew it was the will of God, but was not led to the area of Douglasville, GA.
He continued to seek the Lord for direction in establishing a ministry in Georgia. He remained confident, through the leading of the Holy Spirit, that the vision assigned to him would come to pass. At the request of Min. Theresa Hill, Apostle Vandross visited the city of Stone Mountain, GA. In June 2015, the second location of Word In Life Outreach Ministries was established in Stone Mountain, Georgia. The launch services were held September 11 & 13, 2015. We were blessed to have the anointed Maranda Curtis with us to lead our praise and worship during our Sunday service. Today, Word In Life has relocated to the city of Atlanta, and is now under the leadership of Elder Robert L. Pearson, Jr.